Seattle Public Library app

Exploring a new concept for the Seattle public library. This design is a part of a design challenge and my main focus is improving the user experience. The UI is a sample of a rough wireframe that intended to hand off to the visual designer later

The Seattle Public Library App User Research Plan


To create a platform where everyone gets to connect with three other libraries in the Seattle Downtown area which are owned by the Seattle Public Library. Users can find events that are happening throughout the year and find which one they want to attend. The user can add any events they are interested in, and they can add the events to the personal dashboard.

The libraries can use the space to advertise the monthly or weekly reads where they can gain readership from the online user. The user will be able to reserve books which are being promoted on the site and pick it up to any available locations.




Design a web app to help increase readerships as well as showcase events


  • 5 Days Design Sprint

Target group

  • General public including kids, young adults and family


Exigency - Website UX Design